Prepare Your Rain Barrel for Winter
/Moby and Ivy rain barrels should be drained and detached during the New England winter.
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Moby and Ivy rain barrels should be drained and detached during the New England winter.
Read MoreStorm windows from Boston Building Resources can be ordered with or without low-e coating. What are the factors in deciding which choice to make?
Read MoreWhile advertisements for replacement windows are everywhere, a tried-and-true, common-sense solution has been lost in the marketing shuffle: weather stripping plus a high-quality storm window. Tuning up older windows and adding a storm yields energy efficiency levels comparable to those of replacement windows and has other advantages.
Read MoreBoston Building Resources inspires, educates, and empowers homeowners to increase the efficiency and value of their homes. We focus on affordable solutions that help all of our neighbors.
© 2011-2025 Boston Building Resources, 100 Terrace Street, Boston, MA 02120., 617-442-2262
Co-op open 10:00-4:30 Monday & Tuesday, 8:30-4:30 Wednesday through Friday, and 9:30-3:00 Saturday.
Reuse Center open 12::00-5:00 Wednesday, 10:00-7:00 Thursday & Friday, and 8:00-5:00 Saturday.
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