Popular window restoration products
TLC for your home's original windows
Repairing rather than replacing your home’s original double-hung windows makes sense for many reasons:
Repair is more affordable than replacement
The energy savings from weather stripping and a high-quality storm window is nearly the same as replacement
Repair maintains the architectural integrity of your home.
Older double-hung windows are an important character-defining feature of your home. In many cases, original double-hungs have lasted more than 100 years and, with some tender loving care, they will likely last another hundred. BBR's products and workshops can help you maintain and restore older windows.
Our series of four videos will show you how to do the work of window restoration yourself:
Window restoration products from our showroom
Prices listed are public (non-member) prices and do not reflect the BBR member discount.
Sash chain and cord
Window weather stripping
Window restoration supplies
Epoxy for wood repair
Some Flex-Tec products are out of stock and, due to covid-19-related supply chain disruptions, we are not sure when we will be resupplied. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Also see this 3-1/2 minute video from This Old House on how to use Flex-Tec.